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Sonic & Audio Therapy

The subtle vibrational pressure created by SOUND conducts ENERGY in the cells of our body, which are largely made up of water. SOUND moves at a rate almost four times faster than air, creating a frequency that can be sensed at the most subtle levels of the body. This interaction provides an ideal environment for recovery of the mind and relaxation of the body.



Our cell membranes have receptors called cilium, which are hair-like structures that resemble antennas. According to the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM), at one time, it was believed that cell physiology could only be impacted by physical molecules.


However, research has shown that the cilium responds to vibrational ENERGY fields like LIGHT, SOUND and even radio frequencies — also having a potential impact on cell physiology. This means that stimulation of the cilium will send a cellular response transmitting information about the health of the cell, activating a healthy signal in the body.




When we sit down to MEDITATE or allow ourselves to do something we find relaxing, this relaxed state allows the brain to settle into an ALPHA STATE. This is a reaction of calm stimulation in the mind, and a response of release in the body.

When we experience a deep and dreamless sleep, fully detached from the world, this is when our brain is in a DELTA STATE. 


On the opposing end, when we’re at work actively problem solving and managing tasks throughout the day, our brain is operating in a BETA STATE. 


Finally, when we experience a burst of inspiration, creativity and achieve the impossible, it’s usually associated with the GAMMA STATE.


BRAINWAVE AUDIO THERAPY is a method that is used to stimulate the brain into entering one of these specific states of consciousness. The 20-60 minute sessions of energy tones, and pulsing sound vibrate at a similar frequency to the brain to help us align with the given rhythmic stimuli. This is the process of allowing the mind and body to experience resonance.



Soundwave therapy in which the right and left ears listen to two slightly different frequency tones yet perceive the tone as one.

The binaural auditory beat that a person hears is the difference in frequency between the left and the right ear and should be at frequencies lower than 1000 hertz (Hz) for the brain to detect the binaural beat.

For example, if the left ear registers a tone at 200 Hz and the right at 210 Hz, the binaural beat heard is the difference between the two frequencies — 10 Hz.

Proponents of binaural beats therapy liken the effect to that of meditation.

There is a range of binaural beats available, each having a specific purpose.  People should use binaural beats therapy when there are no distractions.

Meditating while listening to headphones.

Binaural beats therapy requires a person to listen to different sound frequencies for a set amount of time, without any distractions, and in a comfortable space.

Research has shown that when a person listens to binaural beats for a recommended time, their levels of arousal change.

Researchers believe these changes occur because the binaural beats activate specific systems within the brain. An electroencephalogram (EEG) that recorded the electrical brain activity of people listening to binaural beats showed that the effect on a person's body varied according to the frequency pattern used.

The four known categories of frequency pattern include:

Delta patterns: Binaural beats in the delta pattern are set at a frequency of between 0.1 and 4 Hz, which is associated with dreamless sleep.

Theta patterns: Binaural beats in the theta pattern are set at a frequency of between 4 and 8 Hz, which is associated with sleep in the rapid eye movement or REM phase, meditation, and creativity.

Alpha pattern: Binaural beats in the alpha pattern are set at a frequency of between 8 and 13 Hz, which may encourage relaxation.

Beta pattern: Binaural beats in the beta pattern are set at a frequency of between 14 Hz and 100 Hz, which may help promote concentration and alertness. However, this frequency can also increase anxiety at the higher end of the frequency range.

Benefits of binaural beats therapy
Businessman on train, listening to music and looking outside as he relaxes.

Binaural beats therapy is primarily used to treat anxiety and stress, although it may also improve concentration and motivation as well.

Potential benefits include:

    reduced stress
    reduced anxiety
    increased focus
    increased concentration
    increased motivation
    increased confidence
    deeper meditation
    improved psychomotor performance and mood

The purpose for using binaural beats therapy may differ between people. Some people may need help decreasing their anxiety, while others may want to increase their concentration or deepen their level of meditation.




Some research points: A study that used a combination of BETA & DELTA frequencies and another study that used progressive slowing from ALPHA to 10 minutes of DELTA found significant reductions in anxiety.


ALPHA also appeared to relieve pain and improve personal competence.


BETA appears to improve attention, overall intelligence, short-term stress, headaches, excessive behaviour problems and to relieve emotional exhaustion.


ALPHA & BETA together improved verbal skills, social adaptability, and attention span.


GAMMA stimulation helped with arithmetic skills in children with learning disabilities and symptoms of ADHD.


THERAPEUTIC uses of SOUND have profound physical and psychological effects on cell physiology and our mental and physical well-being.


There’s an abundance of research supporting the incredible work AUDIO THERAPY can do for our bodies. In such a busy over-stimulated world, this could be a significant tool in helping you RELAX, HEAL, and ENJOY your life. 


"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do"



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2035 Boucherie Road, Unit #40, Westbank, B.C., Canada, V4T 1Z7

©2019 by Omni Aura.

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